Uci Management Minor
Uci Management Minor - Fall semester abroad taking upper division management courses and electives example: Hong kong university, hong kong () represents breadth area or uci course number. The paul merage school of business faculty offers an undergraduate minor in management which consists of seven courses. Rigorous overview of major business functions and management topics. The uc irvine master in management (mim) program offers a strong foundation for students from any background who aspire to a career in business. This program teaches fundamentals. So is the management minor good to pursue? I feel it's very general and doesn't cover much. A minor is seven courses (well in this case i think of it more as 6 courses due to the mgmt 1 pre. I will be attending uci this fall majoring in biology and was thinking about getting a minor in management. But, i read on the merage school website that i would have to apply, so. Send page to printer. Download page (pdf) the pdf will include all information unique to this page. Your career goals, academic strengths and weaknesses, interests, or experience. Have you checked out the requirements for these minors? You don't apply for a minor, per se. You contact an academic advisor of your school and request to add the minor to your degreeworks. This applies even if your minor is outside your school. Erie County Holding Center Commissaryweather Forecast
Fall semester abroad taking upper division management courses and electives example: Hong kong university, hong kong () represents breadth area or uci course number. The paul merage school of business faculty offers an undergraduate minor in management which consists of seven courses. Rigorous overview of major business functions and management topics. The uc irvine master in management (mim) program offers a strong foundation for students from any background who aspire to a career in business. This program teaches fundamentals. So is the management minor good to pursue? I feel it's very general and doesn't cover much. A minor is seven courses (well in this case i think of it more as 6 courses due to the mgmt 1 pre. I will be attending uci this fall majoring in biology and was thinking about getting a minor in management. But, i read on the merage school website that i would have to apply, so. Send page to printer. Download page (pdf) the pdf will include all information unique to this page. Your career goals, academic strengths and weaknesses, interests, or experience. Have you checked out the requirements for these minors? You don't apply for a minor, per se. You contact an academic advisor of your school and request to add the minor to your degreeworks. This applies even if your minor is outside your school.